About CSI Nebraska
CSI Nebraska is the local chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI).
CSI is a national association dedicated to improving the documentation, management, and communication of building information as used by the construction community.
CSI accomplishes its mission through:
The development of construction standards and formats such as MasterFormat and UniFormat
The promulgation of those formats through master guide specifications and building information management (BIM) software
Training and certification programs, including
Construction Documents Technology (CDT)
Certified Construction Specifier (CCS)
Certified Construction Product Representative (CCPR)
Certified Construction Contract Administrator (CCCA)
Publication of Construction Specifier magazine
CSI members include a cross-section of specifiers, architects, engineers, contractors, owner's representatives, suppliers, and other construction project professionals who are touched by construction documentation.

What's in it for you?
CSI provides members with resources for success, as well as exceptional networking opportunities. With buildings going up faster and faster we must rely on written and graphic communication to avoid litigation and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Never before has the industry had such a critical need for well-trained professionals. Never before has CSI offered so many opportunities for training – many from your very own computer!
Everyone in construction knows about the 50 Divisions. But do you know about the organization that created the 50 Divisions? Membership in The Construction Specifications Institute will enable you to shrink the challenges of today’s operating environment down to size. Since 1948, we’ve been meeting the industry’s need for a common system and language to organize, standardize, and communicate construction information. CSI has been the industry leader in fulfilling this goal through education – and through the development of technical support products to write specifications such as MasterFormat™, UniFormat™, and SectionFormat™. For uniformity in construction drawings CSI developed the Uniform Drawing System™.

How to get involved
Our members create a network with the common goals of creating better specifications for a project, to sharing experience and knowledge gained, to creating a network of resource people. These are just a few of positive things we do. CSI Nebraska covers the entire state of Nebraska. Due to demographics and the geography of the state, most our members are from the Omaha and Lincoln areas. Monthly meetings typically take place in Omaha at a local restaurant and we typically host fall and spring project or facility tours spotlight significant projects or local manufacturers.
Throughout the year we have several major fun and educational events. Within the local chapter, we have the annual Product Show and Seminars each February. At the regional level, members can attend the North Central Regional Conference every May. This conference rotates locations every year and is a fun "get-a-way" for a few days, At the national level, the "CONSTRUCT" CSI Annual Convention is held every fall. The Annual Convention makes for a fun week-long excuse not to work while you enjoy networking and educational courses!
Organization Structure
CSI Nebraska is a local chapter of the Construction Specifications Institute. The Nebraska Chapter is part of the North Central Region, comprised of chapters from North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Iowa Kansas, Missouri, and Illinois.